Our Family Genealogy Pages

Fortunately they all landed in Australia ... in 1851, in 1884 and in 1938

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True blue cornstalks

we're here - anachnu po

We got here by boat in three waves, in 1851, in 1884, and in 1938.

The first here was born in Warsaw about 1825, picked up as an experienced and well equipped thief 20 years later in the south of London, spent half a dozen years on hulks on the Thames and in Newgate prison, then transported to this sunny isle for free, no fare charged. When free after a few years at Norfolk Island and Port Arthur he moved to Sydney and concocted an alternate personal history and married a London born woman whose father was from Rotterdam.

The next to arrive was married in his town about 50 miles north of Warsaw, in haste at age 18 before conscription, then shuffled off to Glasgow with his new wife. After the birth of four children they followed his elder sister to Sydney on a subsidised fare paid for by his brother-in law.

The third was from a small village at the far northern border of the Hungarian Empire, working as a lowly labourer on a tramp steamer, picking up loads wherever they were found, hoping it would land in the Middle East where he intended to desert ship and sneak into Palestine. Instead he snuck out in White Bay while the ship was loading wheat for a trip to Durban and undergoing repairs from a crash into wharf 10 off Hickson St.